Establishing a New Chapter
Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society in Family and Consumer Sciences and Related Areas
Nature and Purpose of the Organization
Phi Upsilon Omicron is an honor society in family and consumer sciences and related areas which was founded at the University of Minnesota, February 10, 1909. The purposes of this honor society are to recognize and encourage academic excellence, develop qualities of professional and personal leadership, provide opportunities for service to the profession, and encourage professional and personal commitment to advance family and consumer sciences and related areas.
A. Membership
Eligibility for active membership:
B. Professional Programs of Work
The professional work of the honor society is carried on through the National Council and by chapters.
Chapter professional projects have included:
C. National Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards
Through the Phi Upsilon Omicron Educational Foundation, Inc. national scholarships, fellowships and awards are awarded annually. See our brochure for more information.
D. Official Publication of the Honor Society
Since 1916, the honor society has published THE CANDLE semi-annually. CLICK HERE to view a recent issue!
E. Governing Plan of the Honor Society
F. New Chapters
The National Expansion Committee works with a college or university to prepare a petition for a charter for consideration and action by the National Council and the chapters in the district where the institution is located. Financial obligations of the new chapter include:
Melissa Martin, Executive Director
Phi Upsilon Omicron
P.O. Box 50970
Bowling Green, KY 42102-4270
(270) 904-1340
Procedures in Establishing a Phi Upsilon Omicron Collegiate Chapter
Responsibilities of the Petitioning Unit in Preparation for Chapter Installation
__ Current Student
__ Alumni
__ Local Honorary Members