Establishing a New Chapter

Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society in Family and Consumer Sciences and Related Areas

Nature and Purpose of the Organization

Phi Upsilon Omicron is an honor society in family and consumer sciences and related areas which was founded at the University of Minnesota, February 10, 1909. The purposes of this honor society are to recognize and encourage academic excellence, develop qualities of professional and personal leadership, provide opportunities for service to the profession, and encourage professional and personal commitment to advance family and consumer sciences and related areas.


A. Membership

Eligibility for active membership:

  1. Enrolled in curricula leading to a degree in family and consumer sciences or a related area.
  2. Has completed a minimum of 36 semester hours, 50 quarter hours, or the equivalent. The hours must include 6 hours of course work in areas including, but not limited to, those recognized by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
  3. Ranks not lower than the highest thirty-five percent of their class in general scholarship within their unit.
  4. Personal qualities which give promise of leadership and outstanding professional achievement.
  5. Demonstrates a spirit of service.
  6. Exemplifies character through personal integrity and professional attitude.


B. Professional Programs of Work

The professional work of the honor society is carried on through the National Council and by chapters.

Chapter professional projects have included:

  1. Providing and supporting scholarship funds for local awards.
  2. Promoting family and consumer sciences and related areas on campuses.
  3. Serving the community through programs for the handicapped, battered women, and the homeless.


C. National Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards

Through the Phi Upsilon Omicron Educational Foundation, Inc. national scholarships, fellowships and awards are awarded annually. See our brochure for more information.


D. Official Publication of the Honor Society

Since 1916, the honor society has published THE CANDLE semi-annually. CLICK HERE to view a recent issue!


E. Governing Plan of the Honor Society

  1. National Council – The membership of this council includes the national officers, executive director, alumni councilor, advisor councilor, collegiate chair, the region councilors, finance committee chair, and region collegiate representatives.
  2. Conclave – This is a biennial meeting which all members of the National Council and delegates from each of the collegiate and alumni chapters attend.  All members and guests are invited to attend.


F. New Chapters

The National Expansion Committee works with a college or university to prepare a petition for a charter for consideration and action by the National Council and the chapters in the district where the institution is located. Financial obligations of the new chapter include:

  1. A one-time chapter installation fee of $300 is payable to Phi Upsilon Omicron upon notification of approval of Petition for the chapter installation. (The installation fee pays for some initiation supplies.)
  2. Each new member shall pay into the National Treasury a total of $60 at the time of initiation. This includes a subscription to THE CANDLE, an initiation pin, a membership certificate and a member handbook. This completes the initiate’s financial obligation to National during the period as a collegiate chapter member.
  3. Local honorary initiates pay no initiation fees. The chapter pays for a CANDLE subscription ($15) for each local honorary member.
  4. Alumni fees to be paid to National yearly are $25, which includes two issues of THE CANDLE.


Melissa Martin, Executive Director

Phi Upsilon Omicron

P.O. Box 50970

Bowling Green, KY 42102-4270

(270) 904-1340

Procedures in Establishing a Phi Upsilon Omicron Collegiate Chapter

  1. The college or university group completes Petition Form and returns it to the National Executive Director. Members of the Expansion Committee review the petition and make recommendations. If all is complete, the petition is forwarded to the National President for approval by National Council.
  2. If approved, the petition is sent to the Region Councilor (of region in which the new chapter would be located) who circulates them to the collegiate chapters in the region for approval (approval by three-fourths of these chapters is necessary). The Region Councilor notifies the President of National Council and the Expansion Committee Chair.
  3. At any step in the process when approval is not given, the Executive Director informs the petitioning group of the situation and indicates the action necessary to meet the standards required for a chapter.
  4. After approval, the procedures are then outlined for the installation of the new chapter. The National President, Executive Director, and Region Councilor are responsible for planning the installation.


Responsibilities of the Petitioning Unit in Preparation for Chapter Installation

  1. Set date for installation with National President, Region Councilor and Executive Director.
  2. Send $300 to the Executive Director for chapter installation fee. (The installation fee pays for some initiation supplies.)
  3. Send a complete name list to the Executive Director of those charter members to be initiated.
  4. Provide Installation Chair and Co-Chair with complete number of persons being initiated under the various categories three weeks prior to installation:

__ Current Student

__ Alumni

__ Local Honorary Members

  1. Plan for installation activities to include:
  2. Orientation of officers, advisors, collegiate members and alumni.
  3. Collection of initiation fees.
  4. Installation and initiation ceremonies (will be provided by a visiting chapter).
  5. Charge service.
  6. Chapter meeting and installation of officers.
  7. Supplies for Initiation:
  8. White table coverings
  9. Three copies of the name and addresses of those being initiated in the following order:
  10. Petitioning group in alphabetical order with officers indicated.
  11. Alumni members in alphabetical order with officers indicated.
  12. Honorary members in alphabetical order.
  13. Other members in alphabetical order, any officers indicated.
  14. Thirteen white candles and one yellow candle, ten inches high.
  15. Fourteen inexpensive candle holders (clear, if possible).
  16. Blooming African violet potted plant. (live or artificial).
  17. Three ribbons—one yellow, one white, and one purple—six to eight inches long and two inches wide.
  18. Equipment including a table (2 ½ feet x 5 feet or comparable size).
  19. Registration book for members to sign as they are initiated.
  20. Any other supplies needed for initiation will be supplied by the installing chapter.