Professional Project Winners

The 2024-2026 National Theme is, "Weaving Our Futures Through Phi U!"

The professional project provides chapters with the opportunity to develop and implement a project that exemplifies the purposes of Phi Upsilon Omicron. Specifically, a well-developed project recognizes and promotes academic excellence and enhances qualities of leadership by allowing chapter members to utilize the skills and knowledge they have gained as Family and Consumer Science majors to serve individuals, families, and/or the community. A true professional project also encourages lifelong learning and commitment to advance FCS by going beyond simply implementing a service project. Instead, it provides members with the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and encourages commitment to the field by allowing them to employ their professional knowledge while serving others.

The National Winner receives a plaque and monetary award of $300 for their Phi U Chapter! Additional cash prizes ranging from $100 – $200 are presented to Second through Fourth Place National Winners. Phi U also recognizes Regional Winners with a Certificate of Merit and $50 cash prize.

Watch Now! Phi U Professional Project Chapter Chat