Member Information

Active Status Confirmation (ASC) Forms

ASC forms are due October 15th. This form can be accessed via the login section and submitted on-line.


Prior to Conclave, each collegiate chapter advisor, president and alumni president is sent Conclave information, including the registration form. Please distribute this information as soon as possible.

Fifty Year Members

50-Year Members who are on the national membership listing (initiated either 1973 or 1974 for Conclave 2024) will be sent Conclave information with a special invitation to attend and to be honored. If any of your 50-Year Members do not receive a special invitation, please notify the National Office.

Founders' Day

February 10, 1909, is a very important date for Phi Upsilon Omicron. Chapters (both collegiate and alumni) should consider a special activity/function to commemorate Founders’ Day. This is an excellent time for the collegiate and alumni to plan and co-sponsor an activity. Start planning now!


Each collegiate chapter needs two copies of the Handbook (one for the advisor and one for the president) and one copy for the alumni president. Copies of the Handbook can be downloaded from the login section.

Honor Cords and Stoles

Each set consists of two cords made up of the smaller colored (white, yellow, purple) strands entwined. The two cords are knotted together in the middle. This knot goes at the back of the neck, with the tasseled ends coming around the neck and hanging down the front. They are VERY ATTRACTIVE! The honor cords are ordered from the national office. The supply order form can be found in the login section with current prices. Honor Cord orders MUST be received by October 15th for December graduations and March 1st for May graduations.

Honor stoles are also ordered from the national office. The supply order form can be found in the login section with current prices. They are a purple satin with the emblem embroidered in yellow. Honor stole orders MUST be received by October 15th for December graduations and March 1st for May graduations.

Local Honorary Members

If you have not initiated a Local Honorary Member recently, you should consider it. The person must meet membership guidelines and should be someone who has the potential for supporting and encouraging the collegiate chapter. Additional information is in the Handbook.


The purposes of Phi Upsilon Omicron are to:

  1. Recognize and promote academic excellence;
  2. Enhance qualities of leadership by providing opportunities for service; and
  3. Encourage lifelong learning and commitment to advance family and consumer sciences and related areas.

Mission Statement

Phi Upsilon Omicron, an honor society in the integrated field of family and consumer sciences, offers an environment empowering lifelong learning, leadership building, and ethical and scholastic excellence.

National Initiation Fees

Phi U national initiation fees are $60.

Niche Statement

"Phi Upsilon Omicron is a collegiate-focused honor society nurturing leaders to continue the legacy of family and consumer sciences."


Don’t forget the following deadline submission dates:

  1. Advisor & Alumni Award Nominations; Alumni Research Grant November 1
  2. Collegiate Region Representative Nominations February 1 (of even years) (To Region Councilors)
  3. Chapter Professional Projects May 1
  4. Community Impact Grant May 1
  5. Coordinating Council of Honor Societies (CCHS) Undergraduate Student Research Papers May 1
  6. Chapter Officer Reports (President, Treasurer, Public Relations Chair) May 15

Scholarship/Fellowship/Award (S/F/A)

Applications MUST be submitted by March 1st.

Supply Orders

Supply orders need to be ordered several weeks prior to your chapter’s initiation. The order form can be found in the login section- Resources– Treasurer’s Resources

68583-0700 – Zip Code Listings Available

The Executive Director, Melissa Martin, can now provide zip code listings of members in your area. This might be useful in “rekindling” Phi U connections. Contact Melissa at (270) 904-1340 or